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Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   J   09/12/2016 12:34 PM  


I am looking for a Gujarati couple or a single person who is willing to handle entire liquor store everyday from opening till closing. The store is located in MAssachusetts and you will have to move there. Accommodation is available right above the liquor store. Please leave your phone number or email here so that we can contact you.



Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   Interested desi   09/12/2016 01:13 PM  

Can you please tell me the city it is located in?


Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   J   09/12/2016 01:17 PM  

It's not a city, it's a small town called phillpston, MA


Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   J   09/12/2016 01:40 PM  

It's not a city, it's a small town called phillpston, MA


Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   Hate discrimination    09/12/2016 01:43 PM  

Why only Gujarati why discrimination upon on religion u need help for a store that's what the main concern is here


Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   J   09/12/2016 02:29 PM  

You should really stop spreading hate. There is nothing discriminating about asking for a Gujarati to handle my store. I am a Gujarati and it's simple that I find it easier to communicate with them.

I am looking to completely give my store to someone to run, so definitely it will be easier for me to communicate with someone who speaks the same language and shared the same culture as I do. If it was any other kind of job I wouldn't have mind hiring people from any part of India, any religion or caste.

People like you will find BS in nothing and try to make a big issue out of it.

India as a country is whole and I still remember saying "India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters" every morning in my school.

You should really stop making this issues and create hate. It's not a rocket science that a Telugu will feel more friendly with Telugu, Tamil with Tamil, Bengali with Bengali and Gujarati with Gujarati.

If you feel that this is descrimination, you should stop going to Walmart and go to a store owned by an Indian. You should stop driving a Korean/American/Japanese car and instead buy a Tata. But you won't because the things you do is good for you and I won't call you a deshdrohi for using foreign items because it suits your needs better.


Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   J   09/12/2016 02:30 PM  

P.S If your thinking is really like this, you should really think about joining politics because that's what politicians do, make issues out of nothing and make people hate each other. You are good it!


Re: Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   Jay    09/12/2016 02:48 PM  

Wow j
Greet response
Can you use household help at times


Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   J   09/12/2016 03:16 PM  

Thanks Jay,

As of right now I don't think so. But I will definitely post it here if I ever need household help


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   Jay   09/12/2016 05:09 PM  

Where are you located j
I'm in western mass


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   Jay   09/12/2016 05:14 PM  

Email me
Jayjjay1972 at gmail
I can't do the liquor store but let me tell you my background and if you could use me anywhere via email


Re: Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   friend   09/12/2016 06:40 PM  

No thats not a great response, its a totally BS response. It is you who is spreading hate not the person who corrected you.

J, you seem so ignorant. This is exactly what is called discrimination. Yes, it is true a Telugu will feel more comfortable with another Telugu, Punjabi with Punjabi etc., but this does not mean we post such ads. In fact it is ILLEGAL to discriminate for a job based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion etc. If someone applies and you refuse saying sorry you are not Guju, you can and will be sued over it.

If you are so comfortable with gujus, why did you come to US, where language, culture etc. is different? If you came here, learn to be open minded. Yes, we all have prejudices, but keep those to yourself.

Regarding buying Japanese, Chinese stuff, I do not see relevance. That is exactly the opposite of discrimination. The guy is not discriminating, that is why he is buying stuff made in all countries!! You are giving an opposite example that goes against what you are preaching.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   Citizen   09/12/2016 07:16 PM  

J if u r not such comfortable hw come u r in USA and spoke to people in english ,communicated to get permit etc i hope u dint get any license or permits from gujrati speaking American officials right all the process whatever req did with Americans in english(i hope) and to run store u need gujrati. I dunno what is hipocracy means now


Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA   shid   09/13/2016 01:17 PM  

hey im pakistani. i need this job .


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