Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA
Sender: J
Date: 2016-09-12 14:29:20
You should really stop spreading hate. There is nothing discriminating about asking for a Gujarati to handle my store. I am a Gujarati and it's simple that I find it easier to communicate with them.

I am looking to completely give my store to someone to run, so definitely it will be easier for me to communicate with someone who speaks the same language and shared the same culture as I do. If it was any other kind of job I wouldn't have mind hiring people from any part of India, any religion or caste.

People like you will find BS in nothing and try to make a big issue out of it.

India as a country is whole and I still remember saying "India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters" every morning in my school.

You should really stop making this issues and create hate. It's not a rocket science that a Telugu will feel more friendly with Telugu, Tamil with Tamil, Bengali with Bengali and Gujarati with Gujarati.

If you feel that this is descrimination, you should stop going to Walmart and go to a store owned by an Indian. You should stop driving a Korean/American/Japanese car and instead buy a Tata. But you won't because the things you do is good for you and I won't call you a deshdrohi for using foreign items because it suits your needs better.


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