Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Looking for a Gujarati to handle a liquor store in MA
Sender: friend
Date: 2016-09-12 18:40:48
No thats not a great response, its a totally BS response. It is you who is spreading hate not the person who corrected you.

J, you seem so ignorant. This is exactly what is called discrimination. Yes, it is true a Telugu will feel more comfortable with another Telugu, Punjabi with Punjabi etc., but this does not mean we post such ads. In fact it is ILLEGAL to discriminate for a job based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion etc. If someone applies and you refuse saying sorry you are not Guju, you can and will be sued over it.

If you are so comfortable with gujus, why did you come to US, where language, culture etc. is different? If you came here, learn to be open minded. Yes, we all have prejudices, but keep those to yourself.

Regarding buying Japanese, Chinese stuff, I do not see relevance. That is exactly the opposite of discrimination. The guy is not discriminating, that is why he is buying stuff made in all countries!! You are giving an opposite example that goes against what you are preaching.


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