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ways to transfer large sum money to India   Ct Desi   01/29/2018 01:48 PM  

I need to transfer $40K to India, the regular remitting services like transfast has a 10K limit. What are the ways to legally remit 40K USD to India.


Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   Alka   01/29/2018 02:46 PM  

do it two or three times from Xoom
and ask your friend to do it once.


Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   E   01/29/2018 02:58 PM  

Use 4 different providers.. or I think there is some provider Transfast/Remitly who says, you can call them if you need to transfer more than 10k, it involves some additional documentation and all but yeah, you will get better rate when you decide to transfer all 40K in one go..


Re: Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   Ct Desi   01/29/2018 03:09 PM  

great, thanks for the info.


Re: Re: Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   Desee   01/29/2018 06:30 PM  

For any large sum of amount less than 100K could be wire transferred to your NRE account


Re: Re: Re: Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   Hehe   01/30/2018 11:48 AM  

Gove it to me i will surely send them to India😜


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   Ct Desi   01/30/2018 11:52 AM  

That's how I made that money. Duh.


Re: Re: Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   S   01/30/2018 11:53 AM  

let us know, how did u transfer, which one did u prefer and why ? sailing in same boat as u


Re: Re: Re: Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   Ct Desi   01/30/2018 11:54 AM  

Sure, I will let you know once I do, in a couple of weeks


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   ..   02/22/2018 11:29 AM  

did u transfer ?


Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   Helper   02/22/2018 02:44 PM  

tyr this site https://money2anywhere.com/global.html

No limit


Re: ways to transfer large sum money to India   RemitlyConsultant   02/22/2018 08:14 PM  

Apply for increase limit$ with Remitly for tier 2 and then tier 3, and pay by card. done !! ALL LEGAL.

thank me by donating some $ for unfortunate ones ..


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