Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: This website has a banner now "We be with Israel". Do all Indians feel the same?
Sender: Pakistani
Date: 2024-05-04 21:47:43
I want to answer your comment about Hindu and other communities you say have been destroyed in Pakistan.

Not true. Hindus, Sikhs and Christians live peacefully in Pakistan. I went to Pakistan a few months ago. It is still true. Many businesses in Peshawar are owned by Sikhs. They are part of the community. There're many Hindi and Christian neighborhoods all over Pakistan. No difference between the living and other opportunities. Many churches in every city. Some really grand ones too. Hindi and Sikh temples are fancy and all over the place. Not as many, obviously as in India. But they exist and are well taken care of.

Yes, there are always a few who carry hate towards other religions. Pakistan is no exception. But they are very few. And have no organized power. Just individuals shouting around in the streets.

In general, unlike depicted in the comment above, the live just like everyone else in Pakistan.


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