Forum: 0
Subject: Re: This website has a banner now "We be with Israel". Do all Indians feel the same?
Sender: history
Date: 2024-05-04 19:05:25
Palestinian is not an ethnicity. Palestine is the name given by the Romans to the land of Israel, which includes Judea, Samaria and Gaza after they destroyed the Second Temple and extinguished Jewish independence.

The word comes from the Hebrew Plishtim (Philistines in English), meaning invaders. We don't know what the ancient Philistines called themselves, but they were invaders, most likely from Crete.

The Palestinians of today who usurped for themselves the name are Arabs, of course, not Greeks. They only began to call themselves that after the PLO (the Palestine Liberation Organization) was founded in 1964. Not one UN document refers to them as Palestinians until the 1970s.

Koran mentions israel and jews 45 times but nothing about palestine. Mohamed asked muslims to kill all the jews in his book, hence the current problem in Israel.


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