Forum: 0
Subject: I'm looking for a woman who wants to have children
Sender: ZetaRenaissance@outlook.com
Date: 2023-03-30 13:56:59
Hi, good Father here... average man who already has 3 children and I would like to have more. I always wanted to have 6 children... both young and older. I'm not looking for any involvementor co-parenting neccessarily. The ideal match would be an Indian, Pakistani or similar woman who is looking for a donor, whether she wants to raise children on her own or not. Or perhaps their partner cannot conceive with them. I am American, born and raised and I look like what most would call "caucasian". I hope someone would like me. Please send me an email if you want to know more.. Thank you, E

ZetaRenaissance (at) outlook.com


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