Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Ctdesi meet
Sender: CT Desi
Date: 2019-04-03 13:02:59
SK lets discuss plan, what we are going to do, then we can plan accordingly.

1) Meet for Lunch
2) First North or south(Just need to make sure of food selection)
3) Plan some games or we can meet at some games bar
(copy the Americans or chinese who will come like this meetup)

1) What age group we can target ? ( Family or singles)
2) Would prefer 2 batches, Families can meet separately I mean those who want to bring in families
3) Bachelors those who dont have much friends we can form
some group and meet occasionally to make a feel that we are not alone( you may be with friends, but you never know when your friends will meet)
4) No Drinks , if some girls may come they may feel some uncomfortable
5) Everyone should bring their state ID and Office ID so Just assuring no risk
6) Meeting for a FUN Buffet is also nice.
7) we can plan monthly once so we can plan accordingly.


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