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Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lady weight-loss help
Sender: my 3 cents
Date: 2018-01-19 10:31:15
weight loss is a complicated thing, there is no single solution for all. The reason is every human's physiology is different. Following are somethings I found effective,
- Reduce portion size, most of the people in developed and developing countries eat more than required, I am sure you too are, reduce your portion size to 50-75% of what you are currently eating. You will not be satisfied but you have to bear with it, a couple of hours later, you will feel really hungry, you can try drinking water or something that has fiber and no carbs like cucumber(fruits doesn't help much).
- Change your diet. Replace grains as much as possible. Start slowly, if you are used to eat rice/roti 3 times a day, reduce to 2 times, then 1 time then like once in two days. Wheat is not better than Rice, its a myth. Replace white rice with brown/wild/black rice. No trans-fats(fried stuff). Veggies are better than fruits.
- Exercise. Do some exercise to burn calories (walking, running, etc.)(Yoga doesn't count, it works differently). Count the calories you are burning everyday, start with 200 and keep increasing daily in small intervals like 20/30. Never go less than what you burned the previous day. You need to spend more calories than you consume.


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