Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Rude indians?
Sender: Mr.D
Date: 2017-11-11 13:40:25
American, I commend you for preaching about something you absolutely have no idea about.As per you, Indians are not as intelligent as Americans because they are not marrying outside their caste. Please do throw some light upon how America is at the moment being controlled by the so called dumb Indians. Here are a few examples

- Harvard University Dean - Indian
- Google CEO - Indian
- Pepsico CEO - Indian
- Microsoft CEO - Indian
- United Nations Ambassador for USA - Indian
- The list goes on and on.

Moreover, if you go to any university classroom, the toppers are almost always Indians.

Considering all this, I think it is the other way around, which means: marrying within the same cast or race actually produces more intelligent children, not the other way. But this is just my hypothesis, I am not going to go ahead and start preaching to not marry outside cast until I am hundred percent sure about the thing I am preaching, unlike idiots like you who don't even think before speaking.


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