Desi Carpool and Rideshare

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Carpool from Rocky Hill to Bloomfield  
Bushan   2015-03-24 06:21:59  
Hi, I'm looking for carpool form Rocky Hill to Bloomfield, Monday through Friday, will share cost. I can be reached at 347 605 2368
Anybody need carpool from Manchester to Windsor   
Ram   2015-03-13 14:38:21  
I am providing a carpool service from Manchester to Windsor area,I am residing in pavilions,I can cover TGM,Waterford common,aspen wood or nearby societies.

You can pay me as per ride or monthly basis.

Per ride charge is $8 and monthly full charge is $100.

You can contact me on good.offer76 (at) gmail.com.
If interested leave your contact no for further communications.


Carpool from Manchester  
Santhosh   2015-03-10 19:49:51  
Hi.. I am looking for carpooling from Manchester to Wallingford(nearby Middletown).
Please reach me (at) 860-796-3838 if you are interested.
Car Pool required from Aspen Woods to Bloomfield Cigna  
Subashini   2015-03-09 22:08:29  

I am looking for a car pool from Aspen woods/Pavilion Apartments to Bloomfield Cigna Office.

Please call me if you are offering a ride. 9495294424.
Car Pool required from Aspen Woods to Bloomfield Cigna  
Subashini   2015-03-09 20:41:02  

Can anyone do a car pool from Aspen woods to Cigna Bloomfield office.

Need Carpool from Groton to Windsor  
Ancila   2015-03-02 18:12:00  
Hi, please contact me if anyone is travelling from Groton to Windsor, CT on a daily basis for 5 days a week.

Need car pool from Manchester to Downtown hartford   
harsha   2015-02-22 15:19:36  
Hi i am looking for car pool from Manchester to Downtown hartford, i am working for cognizant, if any one is willing please call me at 8608163578

carpool from Glenbrook apt in rocky hills  
abhay   2015-02-16 22:12:02  
I am looking for carpool from Glenbrook apt in rocky hills to cigna off in Bloomfield. If anybody travelling that way, we can discuss further.
Car pool from Pavilions to Hartford  
Poolman   2015-02-16 21:34:25  
Looking for car poolers to Hartford (Travelers). I already have one person willing to join me and he has a car parking available right behind 1 Financial Plaza on Main Street. Both of us are working for Travelers and reside at Pavilions, Manchester, CT.
We plan to leave at 8.10 - 8.15 AM in the morning and return between 4.15 - 4.45 PM in the evening. If this suits your requirements, send me an email at ronnie.idz (at) gmail.com
need car pool from pavillions to bloomfield cigna office  
Guru   2015-02-16 21:20:02  
Hi, I am looking for a car pool from Pavillions to Bloomfield cigna office on week days. If so please contact me on 8609770465

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