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In Office   Office   03/19/2018 07:49 PM  

I am feeling frustration most of the times, because of female teammates in office. In my team two female and one male, that saddest male is me. We all are contractors, but they two joined couple of months before. That client manager is desi guy, who will always go behind those females even though they dependent on me almost for everything (both technical and design). And those two will hide all communication from me, until if there is any issue comes in that.

That client manager very well knows that everything moving in this project because of me, but still he goes to them for all updates.

Sometime i feel anyway we are contractor why to worry about all these crap nonsense, and also sometime to move out of this client.

I can avoid helping them, initially i helped them without knowing all this politics. Now suddenly if i avoid, they will feel bad.


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