Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: investing in stocks
Sender: AD
Date: 2016-12-02 17:53:15
this is what i do

thump rule 1
No one knows what stock to give best return if that was the case they will do that themselves and become billionaire themselves.

thump rule 2
Understand equity, read what is fundamental analysis and technical analysis. This will help to choose the stock which is strong fundamentally and technically

thump rule 3
Each person need principles of investment like minimum amount of transaction, sustainability, what % to invest, how to manage liquidity etc

thump rule 4
pay attention to big picture like overall political and economic environment with in and outside the country.

thump rule 5
try to learn how to be strong with head and mind. Sometimes it helps to take decisions, stick with it or take loss and move out! or even book profit

there are much more; it comes with experience!

Happy investing


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