Forum: 0
Subject: FUdKLHgAfECbX
Sender: Eugene
Date: 2015-11-25 20:55:54
Hello my friend from the Normandy becaehs. Having just turned 50 I believe I can weigh in on this blog of yours from this side of the pond. I am watching my own country's march toward equality of outcomes' and I wonder where did all the people pursing life, liberty and happiness go? Seems there are more people with their hands out than up these days. You can get blue in a hurry these days when you focus on our politicians, the press and the continual spin put on every story. Still we find many pleasures, great and small in our own lives. We had a lot of great laughs with T&S this morning over brunch. Some of it directed at you! So things continue to be better than ever!Hope all is well with you and yours!


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