Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Investment Options
Sender: ctdesi10
Date: 2019-01-07 12:19:11

The first rule of investing is to start ASAP. The more time you give your money to grow the better it is - read about the power of compounding.

This is a huge field, so can't even begin to teach, but I can tell you how I do it. Start off by opening a brokerage account - I would suggest Vanguard due to its low fees. Next build a portfolio of low cost index mutual funds or ETFs with a mix of bonds and equity funds based on your age and risk tolerance. Just stick to index funds and you will be alright.

Also, if your employers offers a 401k plan - sign up for it atleast upto the employer match. Otherwise open an IRA and/or Roth IRA and contribute regularly (read about Dollar Cost Average).

Above all - do your research. As you said there is so much information - you have top educate yourself because otehrwise you will have to listn to otehrs advice - whicg may not be always the best. There is no otehr way around it.

If you have specific questions mail be at ctdesi10 (at) gmail.com and I will ry my best to answer.


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