Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Urgent tips needed for first night
Sender: imaa
Date: 2018-12-04 16:10:44
ct desi stop scaring the poor soul.

First night is hyped up so much due to movies etc., there is nothing to be scared of. It's juts one night, you have whole life time ahead of you and don't have to do it on the very first night. Get to know each other and don't stress out. It's not a test ! Also, since most of Indians havn't done it before marriage most will fail on first try. Don't stress out and try again, its a natural act and will come naturally !

Full disclosure I did not do it on first night - most don't because of the stress and because we are so tired from the wedding - not to mention guests and relatives all around. So take it easy - if you do it on first night and don't hit off later whats the point - focus on the new life together than on the first night.


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