Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: need advice please help :(
Sender: bighelper
Date: 2018-07-08 08:31:10
We in India are brought up on fantasy that when we like a girl or boy it is 'love'. Thanks to the movies and songs. In reality what you feel is is not love, but just physical attraction. Love comes much later when you get to know that person and know all about their likes / dislikes , good and bad.

So, since you like the girl, don't say I love you. Start off by paying more attention to her. Talk to her more, see if she responds. Make conversation to her when you meet her, don't just say hello and leave it at that. After you get to know her a bit and have talked to her a few times then maybe suggest that can we go out for lunch / coffee. She is smart enough to know when a boy asks her out he is interested. If she is too and agrees then go out with her a few times and see if this develops into something more. Love and relationships take time. It's not a hindi movie where hero says I love you and heroin falls into his arms and they sing a duet!

Don't be immature and just blurt out straightaway that you love her. Do the above and see where it goes.


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