Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Stocks
Sender: investor
Date: 2018-06-19 09:42:56
The first question to ask yourself is 'what is the purpose for investing'? Many people start investing without knowing what it is they want.
First I make sure I have enough saved for an emergency - say 6-9 months of cash in save CD funds.
Next I invest for retirement and kids education - this is long term so I do not do day trading but invest in balanced/diversified portfolio consisting of low cost index mutual funds and some individual stocks. This is automatically invested every month using deductions from my pay check. You have to let the money grow and compound. Read about compounding. Time is your biggest ally and the earlier you start saving the more time your money has to grow. Many people do not know or realize this and go for short term satisfaction.
If you have short term to medium term goals like vacation, car, house - you should save for that.
Only when you have above things covered and saving//investing regularly should you start investing in stocks using whatever left over money as investing in stocks is a risky business and you should be ready to take a hit at any time.

All the best.


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