Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Do i need to say it out
Sender: N
Date: 2018-03-16 19:25:35
Probably you are nervous because of your marriage. Everything is sorted, so now you have overcome everything, you got time for yourself to think about it. In my opinion knowingly or unknowingly your mind is evaluating pros and cons. Whether you want to spend your entire life with the same person. Thinking about things you don't like about him, and evaluating if you want to go ahead and let go of your dislikes towards him for the rest of your life. This could be one reason.

Second reason is thrill of affair or a relationship. When you are in a relationship you are adventurous. You have to face many battles together, thinking about life, planning life, thinking on how you will convince your parents etc. One everything is settled, there are no adventures left.

So think about the reason I gave, and see if any of them applies to you.


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