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Subject: Common issue but hurting alot!!
Sender: Ct desi
Date: 2018-02-12 07:24:34
Hi I have pretty common issue, my wife never allowing me to buy anything to my parents, who are solely responsible for me being here, when I need to come to USA, I have to do some deposit to the company, if the lottery doesnt pickup I will loose large chunk of money, I losted heavily in share markets at that time, I dont have money and FIL never given penny from his pocket even for borrow, its my father who given the helping hand and my lottery got picked up and rest is history,
Now I want to do return favor to my parents,but my conjuse wife never allowing to me spend anything on my parents, if I need to spend on them I have to spend 4 times on her other unncessary needs, I feel so down and helpless, cant fight nor able to compromise, how do you guys handle this situations please? heard my other friends also have the same issue..


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