Forum: 0
Subject: Re: What's happening to our USA?
Sender: my 2 cents !!
Date: 2018-01-11 12:34:35
You are the worst kind of scum !! what if you are on h1b ?? did you go through the Struggle that the students go through ?? the struggle for food, money and freedom !! they pipe money into the US economy and they stay back and build a life here !! unlike you H!B scum from india ... you suck out the money from your jobs live cheaply, never tips.., buy use and return items, etc and you take back everything to India to invest !! its about time students should have their own special visa category for working !! H1b were always temporary workers and should be kept like that !! H1b shouldnt even be allowed to apply for green card.... only students with valid work should be allowed to apply green card cuz they have been long enough in this country to actually naturalize !!


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