Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: AWD car
Sender: laddo
Date: 2018-01-08 14:54:45
People have lots of misconception about AWD. Foremost being of course that it helps to drive in snow. AWD only helps if you are stationary and stuck in one location. It will give traction and pull you out of snow. It however, does not help once a car is in motion. Therefore, more than AWD what you need is a car with good anti-skid safety features, which almost all new cars will have. Plus you need practice and skill to drive in snow ice (SLOOOW down, give enough stopping distance, better still dn't drive if you don't have to etc.). So don't worry about AWD, it gives mental satisfaction only more important is how you drive.

BTW, living in CT for past 15 years and drive sedans with no AWD. Never had a problem, except for the occasional minor skid.


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