Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Affair while being married
Sender: curious indian
Date: 2017-12-15 14:48:51
N people and N+1 opinions. None of them matters as much as your opinion and secondly your spouse's and may be thirdly your partner-in-crime.

It depends on your relationship, how open your relationship/marriage is. In other words, would the hell break loose if your little secret is revealed?

M a husband of for yrs, we often casually joke about ppl we find sexy and joke/encourage the other person to go n screw them. No one knows if the other person actually screwed anyone out of marriage bcoz no one ever asked.

If you are in my situation or close, then go for it. A little fun never hurts unless u (and ur spouse) start taking it seriously!

Life is too short.. and we won't be young for long.. remember.


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