Forum: 0
Subject: Be Careful
Sender: Anu
Date: 2017-08-23 10:01:26
Hey guys,

I just got to know about the case which many of u might be aware of and many like me, unaware. So thought it to be important to share.

A guy named Raghunandan Yandamuri,28, killed 10months old baby Saanvi Venna and her grandmother in PA. He used to live in the same complex.

He needed money to meet his thousands of dollars of his gambling debts. He went to kidnap baby as both her parents were working and thinking that they have money. He panicked when her grandmother opened the gate and killed her. He dropped the baby accidentally and as she started crying, he covered her mouth with hankie and face with towel and hide her in basement gym sauna which killed her.

He left a note of $50000 as ransom for parents and actively participated in searching the baby with parents.

He is sentenced death penalty by lethal injection. U can track the case progress by google typing his name.

This is a case which makes us think if we can really trust anyone with our kids. We need to be more careful. Not everyone is like him and it might be a rare case but it did happened with one of us who lost their only child.

No negative intentions but just to create awareness so that all our kids remain safe as we tend to trust person more if he/she is an Indian. Mishappening can happen anywhere and by anyone but we can avoid it by being careful.

Stay Safe!!!


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