Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Life as student in Usa
Sender: dont_giveup
Date: 2017-06-22 08:22:06
Dear student, this is called the land of opportunities. As such there are lots of opportunities for you, if you are tough and ready to work for them. Yes, things are hard as this is how the world is, its not like you are in parents home and they will take care of yourself. You have to look for some job to start off with, something like working in stores, gas station etc. Do not worry, in this country even the rich kids work such jobs to earn and to gain experience. This country will help those who help themselves. If you give up and start feeling sorry, you will never succeed. Think of this as a tough period, but you have to grind through it. If you are sincere and ready to work hard things will improve, and then like your neighbor you will have money too. But for now, you have to stop feeling sorry and dejected and try to find a job.


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